Monday, February 12, 2018

State Property Worth More Than Human Life, According to White County Sheriff Oddie Shoupe | Tennessee Sheriff Places Kill-Order, Gets Away with Murder


In 2017, approximately 1189 people were killed by police in this country, an average of just over 3 people killed every day by the very men & women society has entrusted to serve and protect them. On April 13th, 2017, 33 y/o Michael Dial became the next victim of this deadly & increasingly violent American Police State, when the unarmed man was shot to death on the side of the road by White County deputies. And while 'law enforcement' officers and their supporters across the country continue their attempt to justify & defend these violent police forces, this story illustrates the ugly truth that cops in this country no longer serve and protect the people, but rather the State who hires them & its property.

Michael Dial and wife Robyn

The Story

This is not a new story, but the information caught on police video & audio recordings which was only recently released to the public via News Channel 5 is, and is rightfully outraging the public. This story begins a few hours earlier in neighboring Dekalb County, Tennessee, where officers attempted to stop Michael Dial for allegedly driving with a suspended license, an absolutely victim-less 'crime'. According to his wife Robyn, Michael didn't stop because he was scared - “I know him enough to know that,” she told investigators.

Michael was driving a 1976 pickup with a fully loaded trailer, and a SLOW-SPEED chase ensued, at an average of 30-40mph, possibly once reaching 50mph according to Dekalb deputies who pursued him, who described the pursuit as more like a funeral procession than a police chase. Upon reaching the Dekalb/White County line, Dekalb deputies backed off and White County officers took over the chase. Tennessee State police and Sparta City police also got involved. For several minutes, dash-cam footage shows police cars continually attempting to run the truck off the road, with several patrol cars ramming the truck & trailer multiple times with no success at stopping it. Dial's truck was pushed into both the median and the shoulder several times, only to re-emerge onto the highway surrounded by cop cars each time. Only minutes before the pursuit ended, a White County dispatcher relayed the sheriff's chilling orders to all those on the scene of the chase:

Per 59 (the sheriff) take him out by any means necessary, including deadly force.” And a few seconds later, again: “Per 59 (the sheriff) use deadly force if necessary, take this subject out by any force necessary.”

Reserve deputy Adam West had gotten involved in the chase in his personal pickup truck, whose body-cam footage shows him drawing his handgun after receiving the memo. Adam was following the chase, slightly behind the patrol cars which were in direct contact with the truck & trailer. At the same time and on the other end of the county, not physically involved in the chase, sheriff Oddie Shoupe was apparently not only giving the orders to kill Dial, but was bemoaning the fact he wasn't there to do it himself or at least enjoy the action. Arriving on scene shortly after the shooting, the sheriff recounts the chase from his perspective, apparently completely unaware that a deputy's body-cam was recording every word.

I said take him out, damn I don't give a shit,” the sheriff said. “They said we're ramming him, I said don't ram him, shoot him. F*ck that shit, I ain't gonna tear my cars up, but we got two cars tore up again.” And, as if putting a kill-order out on an unarmed man in order to protect state property isn't bad enough, it gets worse. “But we got plenty of video, and I gave the order to take him out,” the sheriff can be heard saying over the phone a few minutes later, “because he was going to kill someone if we didn't,” – this justification a baseless lie. Having finished his phone call, the sheriff continues speaking to an officer: “Let me tell you something, if they don't think I'll give the damn order to kill that motherf*cker, they full of shit. [laughter] Take him out, I'm on the damn end wrong end of the county over here.” Then, after recollecting how he had gone “about 90 [mph]” to get to the scene as quickly as possible, comes the icing on the cake from this sick killer: “I love this shit, god I tell you what, I thrive on this,” sheriff Shoupe said.

Back to the action the sheriff wished he wasn't missing, a patrol car is able to again push Michael's truck and trailer into the median, but this time another cop immediately rams the rear-end of the truck, sending it across both lanes of the road into an embankment, where it finally came to a stop in some trees. At the exact moment of this final ramming, the radio dispatcher's voice can be heard relaying sheriff Shoupe's kill-order for the last time:

County 8, Per 59 (the sheriff) do not ram the subject, you need to get out and use your shotgun to end this pursuit.”

The second Michael Dial's truck and trailer are pushed off of the highway into an embankment, deputy Adam West fires two rounds out the side of his window in Dial's direction before quickly exiting his truck and shooting off 8 more rounds at the victim's truck as he runs towards it. After re-loading his weapon and possibly firing off one last shot, Adam West reaches the now motionless truck and can be heard yelling, “GET ON THE GROUND,” to the unarmed victim who is already dead from a bullet to his head. Sparta police officer Charlie Simms also opened fire when the truck flew off the roadway, but deputy Adam West is believed to be the killer, and looked emotionally shaken up when the sheriff arrived at the scene. The sheriff then consoles Adam, admitting it was he himself who ordered the kill, so Adam doesn't need to feel bad about it.

Hey Adam, yer good. You call your wife and tell her you're alright. You don't have to worry about this. I made the decision,” the sheriff said. “You don't have to worry about it, I took that away from ya'll. You don't have to worry about nothin'. Everything's cool. You done just exactly right,” the sheriff went on to say. “Hey, you done the right thing. You kept somebody from getting killed...Call your wife first, tell her everything's good. I made that decision, you don't have to worry about nothin',” the sheriff said to the now crying deputy.

But deputy Adam does have to worry, because he has been rightfully named on a federal lawsuit being brought against the White County Sheriff's Department by the victim's wife, along with officer Charlie Simms and sheriff Oppie Shoupe. And on top of that he must live with this for the rest of his life, knowing he executed an unarmed man and made a loving wife a widow, all because HE WAS JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS. Oh the irony... The sheriff assured Adam that he did the right thing and kept somebody from being killed that day, while urging him to call his wife and tell her everything is alright... He said this to a deputy who had just needlessly taken a life, and made that man's loving wife a widow... Nothing is right about this picture...
White County sheriff Oppie Shoupe, MURDERER & proud of it...

The After Math

Nothing is right about this story. Because if there was ANY true justice left in the InJustice System of this country, the DA wouldn't have ruled this premeditated MURDER as 'justified'. District Attorney General Bryant Dunaway apparently didn't have access to the recording of the sheriff's “offensive comments” at the time of the decision. But even now, with this recording having recently been made public, the DA isn't changing his decision. Bryant Dunaway has since released an official statement making it clear that even with the new evidence, he will not be pressing charges.

"Regarding the April 2017 officer-involved shooting incident in White County, TN, which resulted in the tragic death of Mr. Michael Dial, I would like to make absolutely clear that the District Attorney’s office does not condone or support the behavior and comments of the White County sheriff. The public’s outrage over the sheriff’s behavior and the community’s sympathies for Mr. Dial’s family are shared by this office.

The decision not to bring charges against the responding officers was based on an evaluation of the individual actions of Mr. Dial and the individual actions of those officers under the circumstances in which those officers found themselves. The sheriff was not present during the pursuit; he did not make the offensive comments until well after the conclusion of the pursuit.

Over the course of a lengthy pursuit through two counties, Mr. Dial repeatedly, willingly and directly endangered the lives of civilian drivers and law enforcement officers.

A complete review of the multiple pursuit videos show Mr. Dial’s truck and trailer driving at times on the wrong side of the roadway directly into oncoming traffic and forcing citizen drivers off the road, proceeding from highways to city streets past schools and businesses, and colliding with police vehicles, all the while indicating no intent to stop.

In the nearly 10 months that have elapsed since this incident, this office has proactively shared information with the public, beginning with our office petitioning the Chancery Court to authorize the release of the TBI investigative files to be made available to the public, and the distribution of a detailed news release on May 17, 2017."

This cowardly statement never addresses the fact that at the point Michael Dial was shot to death, the “lengthy pursuit” in which, according to the statement, Mr. Dial repeatedly, willingly and directly endangered the lives of civilian drivers and law enforcement officers,” had already ENDED! NO LIVES were being directly endangered or threatened by the UNARMED Michael Dial as he sat in his truck on the side of the highway. If “the public's outrage over the sheriff's behavior” was truly “shared by this office,” as the DA claims here, then they would surely reverse their original decision not to bring charges. And why is the decision not to bring charges only, “against the responding officers,” and not also against the sheriff himself who ORDERED THE KILL? How can you say, Mr. Dunaway, that “the District Attorney's office does not condone or support the behavior and comments of the White County sheriff,” and then decide to not press charges against the sheriff, when his behavior was to issue an unnecessary KILL-ORDER and his comments are evidence of a premeditated MURDER?

When the sheriff's comments include this one, “I said don't ram him, SHOOT HIM...I ain't gonna tear my cars up,” it is clear evidence the sheriff was intent on serving and protecting State property over and above human life. The DA calls these “offensive comments,” but these comments go way beyond offensive when they reveal the sheriff's intent to have Michael Dial killed simply to protect the County from automobile damage, and also contain multiple blatant admissions to issuing a kill-order – evidence of a premeditated murder. From the official statement which ignores the heart of the matter, it is obvious District Attorney General Bryant Dunaway does not care about justice or truth, but rather about damage control – to serve and protect the State, just like sheriff Oddie Shoupe did when he put the interests of the County's cars above a human life.

Sadly, this is not that shocking because it has now become the norm in the American Police State. Even still, it is outrageous that time and time again, police officers get away with violent brutality and even murder, despite their heinous crimes being caught on video and viewed by prosecuting attorneys. Sadly, most people seem as though they could care less about the current epidemic of police violence and the widespread corruption & rampant lack of justice in the so-called Justice System, until they or a loved one becomes a victim. Hopefully as more and more of these stories are made public, the apathy of the masses will begin to fade. 

Lawsuits brought against the State by the families of victims of police violence should not be the ONLY hope of any semblance of justice, but sadly this too has become normal. Michael Dial's wife Robyn has been forced to sue the White County Sheriff's Department because the government system in place in this country today is simply CRIMINAL. I, as well as the rest of outraged America, certainly hope Robyn wins in court, but it shouldn't have to come to this. No amount of money will bring Michael Dial back from the dead, and no amount of money paid to victims can right the wrongs of this corrupt system run by career criminals. Only brave men and women standing up, speaking out and peacefully resisting tyranny will truly make a positive difference for humanity.


Michael Dial's only 'crime' was exercising his natural human right to travel, despite having an expired or suspended government permission slip (driver's license). When the police attempted to initiate a traffic stop of Michael Dial, they were the ones with a monopoly of force attempting to infringe on his right to travel. Likely scared, and quite possibly aware of the criminal nature & violent disposition of police in this country, Dial simply refused to be harassed (pulled over), extorted (fined) and possibly kidnapped (arrested) & caged (jailed) for traveling without government permission. Instead, he ignored the road pirates and continued traveling on his way, and it was the police who again initiated force against him when they began sideswiping and ramming him. Lastly, in their final show of force, they murdered an unarmed man whose disabled truck was already slowing to a stop on side of the road.

The message the government is sending to the people is coming through loud and clear: OBEY OR DIE. Nobody had to die that day, but they still did. As Michael's wife said, if they had just followed him for ten more miles his truck probably would have run out of gas. And don't these cops have access to spike-strips? As it is, the story could still have ended with Michael's arrest at the time his truck was disabled, without needless bloodshed. Instead, deputy Adam West obeyed the order given by his bloodthirsty sheriff, and murdered an unarmed man. Now a family has been torn apart, a loving wife made a widow, and to top it off, justice has been denied.

As this story illustrates so perfectly, government employees don't serve and protect We The People, but the State they work for, which is nothing more than a for-profit corporate entity with a monopoly on force. The violent gang of road pirates called police are nothing more than the protection arm of this organized criminal syndicate called government. Welcome to the American Police State, where, without the 'proper' government papers, you are subject to execution.  

If you are outraged like I am regarding this story, feel free to leave your comments at the White County Sheriff's Department Google Review Page or the Sheriff's Facebook page. Or call, White County Sheriff's Department Phone: 931-836-2700 and dispatch: 931-738-7111. 

Video/audio footage referenced in & related to this article, which isn't linked above can be found below.

Video Links 

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