Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Lesser of Two Liars and the Tyranny of Democracy: Exposing Trump, Hillary, and the Establishment's Endless War(s)

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?”
― Mahatma Gandhi

There is something terribly wrong in this country right now, and with this society, and I think that deep down most of us are beginning to realize this, though we may not understand, nor care to take the time to try and figure out what exactly that is. Many ignore it or look the other way, but the problem is still just as unmistakably there; simple to see for all those who truly care, the truth is not hiding but is as plain as day:

We spend millions on sports teams while the homeless are starving. Nobody wants to protest, rally or picket, but it's the line around the corner for them concert tickets. ” - K-Rino, Hidden Agenda

That's the problem – K-Rino hit the nail on the head, just like “you got freedom of speech until you speak out against their policies.” A man named Jeff learned that truth the hard way – attempted murder by the State of Missouri when the MHP put a bullet in his head, but he miraculously survived and is now spending 30 years in a state penitentiary for the very crimes the State committed against him. It didn't fare so well for the brave cowboy called LaVoy – No miracles for him when, in cold-blood, they shot him dead. Ambushed and murdered: It was a planned FBI assassination with full OSP cooperation, and they even got the whole nation's media in on the collaboration. FBI director lies, and the masses still buy the big disguise  It's easy to see why LaVoy had to die: Uranium One's got Harney County land they wanna occupy

And while the media ignores the rampant corruption and widespread injustice fueling the revolution which is going on in this country right now, they continue to cover the elections as if they are the only thing in the world that matters – selling their lies that the masses buy. This is America, 2016, and we are not free.


Introduction to American Politics

There comes a time when you gotta quit begging and asking for something that you ain't never gonna get, and recognize that this country don't love you – it never did.” – K-Rino, No Redemption 

Yes, there is indeed something terribly wrong in this country right now, and part of that problem is certainly that this country loves money more than its citizens; and lying politicians are praised while honest dissidents and protesters condemned. And if there is something so wrong in this country that it's obvious and plain to even a young child, then the times of being able to ignore it and brush it aside must be nearing their end. In the words of a child who watches the news,

"Hillary is a liar and Trump is just plain mean, so America is doomed."

And while this does indeed seem like the obvious truth to a simple mind, it is not the message being broadcast to us over the TV screen, nor is it a conclusion based upon what we are taught about this country our whole lives, from kindergarten through university. What we are taught from a young age is that America is a great nation - a beacon of hope, peace and freedom in a world of violence and oppression. We are taught that the cornerstone of this nation's freedom is democracy, and that it is our patriotic duty to vote, and that if we don't vote, then we don't have the 'right' to complain or criticize the 'elected' politicians. We are taught that this democracy and our voting system 'works' for the people, that everyone gets a voice when they cast their vote, and that every vote counts. But nothing could be further from the truth, as will be seen.

Montana Secretary of State Linda McCullough, in her opening sentence of the introduction to the recently mailed 2016 “Montana Voter Information Pamphlet”, gives us a prime example of this very type of indoctrination so widespread today when she made the following introductory statement:

As Americans, voting is the most fundamental right we have...

This statement is absolutely false and a blatant lie, but one that is nonetheless believed by the masses probably because the obvious implications of believing such a statement to be the truth are simply ignored by far too many, and this is surely due to the perceived authority of society's leaders making such claims. For example, if voting truly were the most fundamental right we have as Americans, then it must necessarily be more fundamental than even one's right to life, and that is an absurd and outrageous claim indeed! The American Declaration of Independence and a little common sense should set the record straight. 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." - The Declaration of Independence

Example: A seventeen year old has no 'right' to vote in this country, but if someone violates that same seventeen year old's right to life by taking it, they can be expected to be sentenced with up to life in prison by the State for homicide, so it really isn't that hard to see through this lie. Does anyone honestly believe that their 'right' to vote is actually more fundamental to their life as a human than their very right to live? I hope not, because there's never been a dead man casting his vote at the polls, appreciating the 'truth' that voting is a more fundamental right than life! But that is still the lie that everyone believes, who actually does believe that voting is the most fundamental right we have, and that is what Montana's Secretary of State Linda McCullough is asking all Montanans to believe as they prepare for election day.

McCullough goes on to speak of voting as our “civic duty”, and concludes her introduction to the voter information pamphlet by making the ever popular statement that, “Your vote not only counts, but has the power to initiate change in government and society.” And while this may be true to some small degree at the local level, it is absolutely false beyond that, and is therefore an outright lie when applied to our flailing democracy or this country's voting system in general. 

The reality is that each election year, politicians keep promising to solve our problems – each party blaming our problems on the other party's policies, and of course usually some foreign or domestic 'enemy' as well – but whether it's a Republican or a Democrat who wins an election year, the only thing that ever seems to change is the color of the party claiming to represent people like me and you. The next politician – whether red or blue, just like the previous one did too – always continues to ignore our problems, expand upon the problems created by previous politicians, and create new problems for the next wave of politicians to promise to fix. The government solution to our problem is usually just a new or bigger problem, as politicians are experts at fixing problems that don't exist, while continually creating and ignoring the real problems affecting all of humanity every day.

No matter the politician and no matter the party, once the election is over, it always seems to be the same long road of broken campaign promises paved with hypocrisy and excuses. And of course there is always another election year just around the corner where the people will once again get the chance to vote the other party into power, and finally be 'represented' by their so-called representative(s). At least that's what we are told by society's leaders to keep the masses from rising up against the establishment. But that assurance is a lie, as is easily demonstrated by the last few decades of this nation's history, and the current widespread discontent with the political system and the establishment in general.

Enter the 2016 presidential race, with both the first and second presidential debates having recently taken place. Though they were called debates, there wasn't really all that much real debate going on, and they more closely resembled childish shouting matches than presidential candidates debating. Not to mention that the two presidential candidates who would have brought some real debate into these so called debates were banned from them by the same corrupt media outlets which host these charades. The lying media outlets can't even seem to go a day without talking about the elections and how important they are, as they present the news to us as if the only thing that matters in the world in an election year is politics and who will be elected president; but it's about time Americans start waking up to the cold-hard truth that who will be elected president in 2016 doesn't matter at all in the real world of humanity. The mainstream media's collusion with the two-party system and the corrupt government it represents has made sure of that, as they have banned both Jill Stein and Gary Johnson from the debates in an election year they know quite well that the public wants a truly anti-establishment candidate to talk about the real issues this nation is facing.
However, while Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton hurl verbal insults at each other while promising they are the better choice and that they care about you as they pander for your vote, more and more people are waking up to the reality that both of them are lying. Neither one of them is the best choice because they are both the same choice – The Lesser of Two Liars – and neither one of them truly cares about you. 


The Problem with Politics

The belief that government is a necessary evil, is the belief that evil is necessary.” - Unknown

Donald Trump is a pathological liar (1, 2, 3, 4). Hillary Clinton is a serial liar (1, 2, 3). These two hypocrites are both pathological, serial liars and they deserved to get called out for exactly what they are - EVIL. This is both plain to see and easy to demonstrate, but the sad reality is that far too many people already know this and just seem not to care, and are still willing to cast their vote (endorsement, support) for the one they perceive as the lesser of two evils, and in this case, The Lesser of Two Liars. After all, that's just politics, and just the way it is. And while that is certainly true, what too many people fail to realize is that it doesn't have to be the way it is, just because society thinks it does and it has been for the past many decades. The only reason anything is the way it is, is because enough people accept the way it is and do little or nothing to change it.

The fact that so many people are willing to vote for a candidate they consider evil just to keep someone they perceive as an even greater evil from winning, clearly shows that our political system is a system based on fear; and let us not forget that fear itself is the cause of so much of the evil in the world throughout humanity's history. As Edmund Burke said in his now famous quote,

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

And voting is just about the least anyone can do to stand against evil in the world today.  But we do it anyway and feel great about it because society teaches us from a young age that democracy is the cornerstone of freedom, that the 2-party voting system we have is the cornerstone of our democracy, and that it is therefore our patriotic duty to vote on election day. All those who choose not to vote, whether out of apathy or principle, are generally seen by society as unpatriotic. Many people vote because they believe it is their duty & out of fear of being outcasts in their circles of society. Others vote because they fear a candidate they perceive as the greatest evil will win if they don't, and are mostly just casting an opposition vote. Recent polls (1, 2) show this to be the case for an overwhelming majority of those planning to vote for either Trump or Hillary in the upcoming presidential election. 

Now this isn't a new mentality at all, but just newly this widespread, illustrating just how large the gap between the world of politics and that of humanity has become. Maybe it's time we step back and realize that,

If the politics we have is simply a game of choosing the lesser of two evils, then it logically follows that this political system we have is itself evil.

Therefore, so long as the people continue to vote for those people they consider “the lesser of two evils” to be their leaders - rather than voting for a 3rd-Party candidate or withdrawing from the political system entirely and seeking other ways to affect social change – then they will continue to elect evil leaders and corrupt, bought-out politicians just as they have been doing for decades. Nothing will truly change as injustice and oppression will continue to increase and fill the land here at home and abroad. That is the big lie of politics: That support of a person or system that is less evil than another is somehow the solution to evil itself. It's kind of like picking murderer A over murderer B, because at least murderer A promises not to kill me, forgetting that murderers are usually liars too! Or maybe it's more like picking liar A over liar B because at least liar A promises to take care of me, forgetting that liars lie and break their promises, and are even sometime murderers too... 

Most people never even step back and think about the reality that a pure democracy gives 51% of the people the power to oppress and take away the rights of the other 49% via the elected government. Thomas Jefferson probably said it best:

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%." - Thomas Jefferson

Our Founders understood this concept extremely well, which is why this nation was founded as a Republic, NOT a Democracy an important difference unknown to so many because the public (government) schools fail to teach us our true history.


However, for those heavily invested in the political system – whether it be through their time, energy, or money – it is very difficult to come to terms with, or even to entertain the idea that our current political system is broken, corrupt to the core, and straight up evil. However, it isn't hard to see just how evil our current political system is when we simply step outside of the world of politics as presented by the media (an illusion), and look into politics from the world of humanity as it actually is (reality).

Meet the Lesser of Two Liars: Meet Trump, Hillary and America's Endless War(s)

We look forward to the day when the power of love replaces the love of power. Only then will the world know the blessings of peace.” - Former British Prime Minister William Ewert Gladstone

Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton are two lovers of power, so it should be no surprise that both are pro-war candidates, though Donald Trump has been much more outspokenly so. However, don't be fooled into thinking that Hillary Clinton is a peace-candidate, as the democratic party hasn't been a peace-party since JFK was president. As accurately stated in the title to a February, 2016 Huffington Post article,

"Hillary is the Candidate of the War Machine"

And, according to Green Party and staunch anti-war candidate Jill Stein, Trump would be less scary than Clinton because she is the one more likely to start a nuclear war, and, unlike Hillary, “doesn't want to go to war with Russia.”

Of course the mainstream media paints quite the opposite picture - one in which a Donald Trump presidency would certainly bring WW3 and likely end in a nuclear holocaust, and which always ends with Hillary Clinton being presented as a far more reasonable and moderate candidate, especially when it comes to war and foreign policy. To their credit, Trump has supplied ample fodder for this with his insane remarks and statements, but actions speak louder than words, and actions prove Hillary is THE candidate of the the war machine. This is why the media needed to ban both Gary Johnson and Jill Stein from their debates: They can't have the truth threatening their precious web of deception. And the truth of the matter is that U.S. Defense Contractors and Arms Manufacturers have donated 4-5x more cash to the Clinton campaign than to Donald Trump, shattering the illusion that Clinton is less of a war candidate and therefore somehow less evil than Trump, or not evil at all.

The Democrat-targeted donations may also reflect the fact that the party’s highest elected official, President Barack Obama, has called for a $2.4 billion increase in defense spending for fiscal year 2017, and many Democratic lawmakers have said they support that request — even though polls show the public does not agree.” - The Center for Public Integrity

More importantly, The Donald is not the political enemy of Hillary he pretends to be. Donald Trump has donated to Hillary's campaigns multiple times in the past, as well as to other democrats, and has donated at least 100,000 to the Clinton Foundation:

"Donald Trump gave more than $100,000 to the the Clinton Foundation, the organization the Republican nominee now calls "the most corrupt enterprise in political history.""- CNN

Donald Trump is a long-time supporter of both Bill and Hillary Clinton and their political policies, so in reality these two are not really political opponents at all, but more like allies. Meet Donald Trump before his run for president:

Well, I know her and she'd make a good president or good vice president.”
Hillary Clinton - how did she do as Secretary of State? – Probably above and beyond everyone else.” “Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman...and I like her.”
She's very talented and she has a husband I also like very much." 

This Donald Trump is the exact opposite of the Donald Trump we've all gotten to know during his campaign for president – the Trump who is portrayed by the media as Clinton's arch-enemy, who labeled this 'opponent' “Crooked Hillary”, who promises to put Hillary behind bars if elected president, and who has stated on the campaign trail that, “Hillary Clinton was the worst secretary of State in the history of the United States.” What hypocrisy! But, rather than point out this obvious hypocrisy which would upset their entire illusion, the media opts instead to just use his more radical and insane comments to derail the Trump Train. Because of this, masses of Trump supporters still believe their candidate actually opposes Hillary and her corrupt Clinton policies, and just about everyone's heard the craziest and most insane things Trump has said, like,

I, Donald J. Trump, am calling for a nationwide ban on all Muslims entering this country.”

This in turn helps create the illusion that Hillary Clinton is actually a reasonable alternative to this Trump insanity. Yes, Donald Trump does indeed seem to have only himself and his insane words to blame for providing the media with the fuel for the fire which they are now burning him down with, but this is being done for the sole purpose of portraying Hillary Clinton as the obviously 'better' candidate in order to give her the election. If the media were to truly expose Donald Trump and the full extent of his hypocrisy, the whole illusion they've spent years creating would be instantly shattered, which would also be disastrous for the Clinton campaign.

The lying media doesn't attack and discredit Trump because they want to expose his evil and hypocrisy, but rather they use the evil things he says to attack and discredit him because it is the only way they can legitimize the candidacy of Hillary Clinton and portray her as a 'lesser' evil or the 'better', 'more reasonable' choice, when she is in fact quite the opposite.

Let us not forget that Hillary's husband, democrat Bill Clinton, was involved in more wars as president than any other president in history, except maybe Obama. President Obama ran as an anti-war candidate, even criticizing Bush's drone strikes, but these drone strikes have only escalated and intensified during his 8 years in office. Obama has ordered at least 10 times as many drone strikes as Bush ever did, and there were more of these bombings during the first year of the Obama administration than all 8 years of the Bush administration combined!

In the ongoing Pakistani drone strike campaign alone, there have been at the very least hundreds of innocent civilians murdered and maimed, including children; while Pakistani researcher Usmani, founder of Pakistan Body Count, insists the civilian casualties are just over 2000, with the Conflict Monitoring Center reporting similar findings  – findings which more accurately match the opinions of Pakistani locals that the majority of those killed in these strikes are civilians rather than militants. (See also the documentary, Drones, on Netfix). This article explains why different researchers using the same sources of information come to radically different conclusions as to how many of the Pakistani dead are categorized as civilians vs. militants. But whether it is hundreds or thousands of innocents killed, the Obama administration has still repeatedly lied about these numbers to cover up the Administration's evil acts of terrorism.

 “Whether it is suicide bombing or attack by a flying drone, for me it's the same, a Pakistani got killed.” - Hasan Usmani, Pakistan Body Count

This is just one example of the many ways that thousands of innocent lives are destroyed by our unconstitutional and never ending "war(s) on terrorism" – the Obama administration has also been waging similar drone wars in Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia, as well as Iraq, Syria and Libya. Many Iraq War veterans  have also spoken out about the numerous injustices that they witnessed and/or perpetrated during their time in Iraq – including the murder of peaceful women and children – but their cries for justice and humanity just seem to keep falling on deaf ears.

As can be seen, it isn't that the truth about these unjust wars isn't out there for the world to see, but that enough Americans refuse to hear it. Every day that we continue these reckless and bloody bombing campaigns, and continue to support various terrorist or rebel groups we deem to be our allies, more terrorists and rebel fighters are born. As long as it's not our kid being ripped apart by shrapnel, I guess too many of us just don't care; otherwise this war would already be over. History keeps repeating itself, though most seem totally unaware – the truth of the matter is simple: All Wars are Bankers Wars, and the American People just keep getting played, over and over and over again.

It's the poor who go to war while the rich keep on profiting; It's us that they're slaughtering and money that they're honoring, and soon it's gonna be the New World Order that they're offering. It's mind boggling how so many don't seem aware, and if they are it's like they really just don't even care...” - ODD TV, Nothing but the Truth

If the Lesser of Two Liars is elected, the killing and injustice will certainly continue, at home and abroad. That the war-hawk puppet president Obama who wants an even bigger defense budget for 2017 has endorsed and is campaigning for Hillary, and that Hillary as Secretary of State was a key player in the orchestration of the Libyan and Syrian wars, speaks much louder than any empty campaign promises for peace Hillary makes. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has assured the people that he has no qualms committing international war crimes, calling for the killing of the family members of any "terrorists" abroad, and saying that he would “bomb the shit out of them [Arabs]”. Trump also supports torture, saying, “I feel great about it, I feel great, but I think we should go much, much, much further than water-boarding.”

Hillary herself is an elite among the elite, a long-time neocon war-hawk, and a proponent of the failed "war on terrorism" & interventionist foreign policy. She has ties to the powerful Bilderberg Group – her husband Bill Clinton is a member, and it has now become quite obvious that Hillary Clinton was indeed anointed by the elite to be the next president of the USA. This has become increasingly clear with the outcome of the criminal investigations into the Clinton email scandal, as well as the media's recent treatment of the presidential race as they disproportionately skewer Trump to give Hillary Clinton the election.

Hillary is a criminal who should have been indicted by the (In)Justice Department for crimes relating to her email scandal, but then just days after being interviewed at FBI headquarters – and a day after Bill Clinton's private meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI director James Comey (the same liar who helped cover up murder of LaVoy Finicum) announced that the FBI was not recommending pressing criminal charges. What a shocker! And having previously stated that she would accept the FBI's recommendation, Lynch announced that there would be no indictment of Hillary Clinton. This was the best non-indictment power could buy, and just the acquittal of guilt the media needed to sway the public opinion significantly towards viewing Hillary in a favorable light as they tear Trump to pieces.

The media wasn't shy about 'covering' this email scandal and portraying Hillary in a negative light previously because the public needed to be under the impression that justice being served on Clinton was a real possibility – it wasn't, the Clintons are too powerful. Just like when Bill Clinton was impeached, but then unimpeached, and the process took months and the media lavished over it, but in the end Bill came out as a hero, and all this was to keep the public distracted from Bill Clinton's wars and other criminal acts. History just keeps repeating itself. In this case all the perceived negative attention focused on Hillary by the media – all those months, the whole 'email scandal' and the FBI 'investigation' – it was just a big distraction from the real Benghazi story and the real crimes committed by Hillary Clinton as the acting Secretary of State.

What the media generally refuses to report on is the fact that many of those emails implicated her in the funding of extremist terrorists in Libya and the selling of weapons to ISIS. She was also heavily involved in the cover-up of the murder of Ambassador Stevens, actually a top CIA asset who was recruiting Jihadists. Contrary to what the administration told the public, this was a very planned attack and the deadly climax to an ongoing internal dispute between the State Department (Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State) and the CIA over foreign policy – a dispute over which 'rebel' groups the U.S. was willing to support and which ones would be labeled 'terrorists' and become our next targets. The CIA created Al-Qaeda, but it looks like Hillary Clinton was the key figure behind the creation of ISIS. 

Hillary Clinton's connection to Uranium One, Uranium One's connection to the Harney County land being stolen by the Feds in Oregon, and the related murder of LaVoy Finicum should also be noted. The Russian owned Uranium One donated millions to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for Hillary's uranium deal, a deal where U.S. mining contracts were sold to Uranium One and approved by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. These mining contracts included large amounts of uranium-rich but private land in Harney County, Oregon – which explains why so many folks in Harney County are being forced to forfeit their land to the BLM against their will. Those who do not cooperate are punished with unjust and unconstitutional prison sentences – at least that's how it went for the Hammonds. Welcome to the greedy and ruthless world of politics, where money and power are worshiped, and humanity forgotten. Yes, Hillary is an establishment candidate among establishment candidates – an elite among elite with a long history of political connections, influence, and corruption, but that really doesn't make her opponent any better.

Donald Trump appears to be a power-hungry, greedy, filthy-rich businessman who is about as proud and self-centered as they come, and one of the few things he seems to be good at is boasting at how great he is – even though he isn't –and making fun of those who are less-fortunate than him. It seems to be his very nature to verbally assault anyone he disagrees with, and he rose to the top of the primaries with the primary tactic of ruthless and often baseless attacks against his opponents. The Donald has no political experience whatsoever, but nonetheless plays the ruthless and deceitful game of politics like a pro.

Here is a man who has abused his political rise by using nearly every televised speech, interview and debate to continually boast about himself, lie about whatever he's talking about and attack or degrade anyone he disagrees with, which seems to be most people. He has even gone so far as to make fun of a crippled reporter, apparently for no other reason except that he is apparently a very mean and hate-filled human being, who clearly has no understanding of the concept of compassion or mercy. Donald Trump is really nothing more than a mean and self-entitled bully. The media has been more than happy to emphasize Trump's bullying tactics to discredit the candidate, and yet they have often ignored one of Trump's biggest consistent cases of historical bullying – eminent domain.

The billionaire has had no qualms in the past attempting multiple times to abuse government power via eminent domain to enrich himself at the expense of others when he wasn't even in a position of government power, so the sky's the limit as to the government abuse we would see if Donald J. Trump is sitting in the highest seat of government power in the entire nation at the beginning of 2017! And unlike so many other issues he's flip-flopped on, The Donald has consistently defended the use of eminent domain – the tyrannical practice upheld by the widely unpopular 2005 U.S. Supreme Court ruling. “I happen to agree with it 100%,” Trump said of the Supreme Court's assault on private property rights. This landmark Supreme Court ruling essentially legalized the theft of private land by local governments on behalf of investors whose future businesses are expected to be more 'profitable' or 'beautiful' or 'better'. As a business tycoon, Donald Trump's bullying via eminent domain nearly cost a widow her home What will the cost be if this man becomes our next president?

Despite all this, many of Trump's blind supporters actually believe him when he claims to be anti-establishment, and that he actually cares about the average hard-working poor American who is just struggling to get by. Trump was himself born into money and knows nothing about struggling to rise above poverty, having started his first business endeavor with about a million of his daddy's money. Trump never needed to work for a dime in his life, and with his net worth estimated to be around 3.7 billion dollars in 2016, he clearly represent the interests of the ultra-rich minority rather than those of the poor working class American. We can also expect that he would likely not be opposed to even more government bailouts for failing big banks and other corporations, while continuing to ignore the needs of the poor – just like the Bush and Obama administrations before him. To believe that a rich bully could possibly be a truly anti-establishment candidate is to be extremely naive as to the nature of the establishment. The establishment is run by and for the rich, and it advances a system of bullying which oppresses the poor so the rich can keep on profiting.


At this point in the race, Donald Trump's campaign looks doomed due in large part to the publicizing of a host of sexual abuse accusations against Trump combined with the media's recent obvious and intentional bias towards Hillary Clinton. Recent polls and the media spin are now pronouncing Hillary the winner. That the media is using a juicy sex scandal to sink Trump is no surprise, and many people – particularly women – are inevitably being drawn towards Hillary for this very reason now. This is just what the elite wants, but we would do well to remember that Bill Clinton has had no less than 14 brave women come out and accuse him of sexual assaultan arguably worse record than the one currently sinking Trump. And what is Hillary Clinton reported to have said about this series of women accusing her husband of rape at the time? –

Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.” - Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton is not a reasonable alternative to the monster that Donald Trump is - She is herself an even greater evil monster.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
― Douglass Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

The 2016 election sham will be over in just 22 days, but our endless wars will inevitably continue, and the elite bankers will continue to lead us down the long and slow path to total enslavement. Yes, there is most certainly a problem in this country right now. The question shouldn't be, “Is there a problem?”, or even, “What is the problem?”, but rather, “What am I going to do about it?” So, what are you going to do about it, America?  

Just say NO to The Lesser of Two Liars and the EVIL system they represent. CHOOSE PEACE - NOT SLAVERY, before its too late. And remember: