Thursday, April 19, 2018

The High Cost of the Syria Airstrikes & the Greedy Few who Profit (War is a Racket)

US Airstrikes on Syria Cost Taxpayers Over 119 Million Dollars - Huge Payout for the War Profiteers Raytheon & Lockheed Martin

In my last few posts, I have been focusing on the overwhelming hypocrisy and deception behind the recent US airstrikes against Syria, and will continue to do so in the near future, but in this post I am going to take a brief moment to focus on the immense financial cost of war to the American People, versus the few greedy war profiteers who rake in enormous profits each time the US carries out an airstrike such as this.

In this society based upon materialism and fueled by greed, sadly most people seem to care more about the financial implications of US policies, rather than the moral ones - as is evidenced by the trend of voters to view the economy as the biggest campaign issue at election time, rather than foreign policy, human rights or the plight of the poor. Hopefully, with the timing of these airstrikes and the recent push for war with Syria being right around Tax Day, the insane cost of war to the average American Taxpayer will start to get the attention of the masses, and cause many to re-think their support of US intervention and endless war in the Middle East!
CNBC on Monday reported that US forces fired 66 Tomahawk cruise missiles costing $92.4 million, as well as 19 JASSM-ER missiles costing $26.6 million, for a total cost in missiles alone coming to $119 million. That doesn't even include the enormous cost of fuel to run the naval vessels and all the aircraft that were used in this military operation, however CNBC did write this:
"In addition, the U.S. Air Force deployed a pair of B-1B Lancers, one of the world's most technologically advanced strategic bombers. The aircraft is believed to have an operating cost of approximately $95,000 per flight hour. It is unclear how long the Lancers flew and from where they were deployed.
The Pentagon and U.S. Air Force did not immediately respond to CNBC's request for clarity on the extent of the B-1B's role."
The cost to simply finance the US Military Industrial Complex each day is insane, and the price only skyrockets from there anytime the military carries out actual operations such as the recent airstrikes on Syria. For those citizens overly concerned with the economy and their finances, one of the biggest financial drains on the US economy is in fact the funding of the military, not to mention their absolutely ridiculous fuel consumption on a daily basis, which environmentalists across the country seem to conveniently ignore while bashing those citizens who drive gas-guzzling trucks.
As far as the cost of this strike, the 66 Tomahawk missiles which were fired cost the US $1.4 million each, and are manufactured by Raytheon, an increase from the 58 Tomahawks used in last April's airstrike on Syria. After last year's strike, Raytheon stock immediately soared by $1 billion, and the company makes a killing any time their Tomahawks are used in war by the US. This time, Lockheed Martin will also be getting a nice chunk of the profits from these airstrikes, with their Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles Extended Range, or JASSM-ER, making its combat debut in the 2018 Syrian strikes, with 19 launched at an estimated cost of $1.4 million each, just like the Tomahawks.
We may never know the total financial costs of these strikes, but what we do know is that the US spent $119 million dollars, which went straight to Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, all based on a LIE.
$119 million sure is a lot of money to just piss away in an hour, considering doing so was also an international war crime, and especially considering just how big a number of Americans are simply struggling to make ends meet - with many living paycheck to paycheck, while many others are homeless or even going hungry. When the media pushes the war propaganda on their audiences in an attempt to convince the average American to support war against Syria, they fail to emphasize the insane financial cost of war which comes straight out of the taxpayer's pocket. And in almost every case, that taxpayer doesn't profit in any way at all, while war profiteers like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin rake in the dough.
War is a racket, but worse than that, war is a racket funded at the expense of the taxpayer, to satisfy the greed of the few who make a killing (literally & figuratively). War is a racket funded by the American taxpayers, many of whom do not even support the war in any way, but their taxes fund and support it anyway, paying for someone else's war crimes so Raytheon and Lockheed Martin can make millions in a day. War is a racket, but until the Americans who oppose the war stop funding the war with their taxes, the war will surely continue.
As long as there is profit to be had from war, there will be war profiteers, and as long as war profiteering remains legal, war will surely continue. Striking Syria had NOTHING to do with stopping Assad's alleged chemical weapons capabilities, and everything to do with GREED & PROFIT. War is the only racket in which the profits are reckoned in dollars, and the losses in lives.

Western War Criminals: US & Allies Strike Syria Hours Before Douma Investigation to Begin, Target Damascus

US, UK and France Join Israel in Committing War Crimes Against Syria, Striking Damascus & Elsewhere

On the evening of Friday the 13th US time, and early Saturday morning in Syria, the US, UK and France - unprovoked and not threatened - carried out coordinated airstrikes, launching a reported 103 missiles into Syria at civilian and military installations. The Syrian government has also reported that several homes were severely damaged in the airstrikes targeting an airbase near Homs.
The Syrian air defense systems intercepted and shot down 71 of the missiles, mitigating much of the potential damage. Russian officials also reported that no US missiles entered the Russian air defense zone in Syria, no Russians were killed, and there were no reports of Russian aircraft or anti-air defense systems engaging Western aircraft, naval vessels or cruise missiles. The cruise missiles fired were instead shot down by Syrian defense.
Russia responded with a statement saying, "Again, we are being threatened," and warned the US that "your aggression is a major threat," promising that "such actions will not be left without consequences." The ambassador of Russia to the USA made the following statement in a tweet:
"A pre-designed scenario is being implemented. Again, we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences. All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris."
The US announced and launched the military attack on Syria just hours before the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) team was scheduled to arrive in Douma to determine whether chemical weapons had been used there. The West's refusal to wait to strike Syria until evidence of an alleged chemical attack in Douma was confirmed by the coming investigation, demonstrates their utter lack of diplomacy and hunger for war at all costs.
Refusing to even consider that Russia's claims made earlier in the day may be true - that they have "irrefutable evidence" the alleged chemical attacks in Syria were staged by US-backed terrorist groups - and refusing to wait patiently just a few more days for the investigation to conclude, they instead chose to attack Syria immediately before the investigation was to begin.
Damascus slammed the joint attack as a "brutal, barbaric aggression," explaining it "aims at hindering the OPCW [Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons] mission's work and preempting its results."
"The attempts of Washington, London and Paris to undermine the activities of the OPCW mission are systematic. Despite the fact that these three countries state that they work together with this group at the same time they exert pressure behind closed doors of this organization in order to prevent these groups and commissions from fulfilling the tasks, they have been established for," Syrian ambassador to the UN, Bashar Jaafari said at the session of the UN Security Council (UNSC).
Assad has said the attack has only strengthened the Syrian Army's resolve to fight and crush the terrorists, and a source in the Syrian government has reported that the OPCW is in Damascus today (Saturday), still preparing to enter Douma to begin their investigation into allegations of a reported chemical attack, and are expected to start their work tomorrow (Sunday). Time will tell if the investigation is delayed further or interrupted by any coming airstrikes or military action.
Despite President Assad allowing international inspectors to destroy his chemical weapon arsenals years ago - a process completed in 2014 (a fact the BBC has admitted), the US claims to have targeted Syrian chemical research facilities in order to curb their alleged use of chemical weapons. However, the Russian ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, said that "scientific facilities [targeted] in Syria are used only for peaceful activity which is aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of economic activity in Syria." Also, despite US claims to the contrary, all the available evidence backs up Russian claims that the alleged chemical attack was a staged provocation carried out by Jihadi terrorists.
Regardless of whether Assad even has any chemical weapons capabilities or not, the US attack is an unprovoked and hypocritical act of aggression and war, being that the US has the biggest stockpile of chemical weapons in the world. The US has one of the worst chemical weapon abuse records as well (firebombing & nuking Japan, Agent Orange in Vietnam, etc). The military strike is also a blatant violation of international law and a war crime, but the US has happily exempted itself and its allies from international law. Since the US holds the majority of the power and influence over the UN, she and her allies can pretty much get away with whatever heinous crimes she so chooses without much risk of being held accountable in any manner.
It is an international war crime for any UN-member sovereign state to attack another UN-member sovereign state without first being attacked, and the West has the audacity to call Assad the war criminal and animal! We not only attacked Syria without provocation, we attacked their capitol, Damascus, which also contains the largest population of Syrian refugees under the protection of Syrian troops. If that weren't bad enough, all four nations who have now carried out these retaliatory strikes (Israel, France, US, UK), have committed offensive acts of war against a sovereign nation without the approvals of their respective congresses or parliaments.
At least in America and Britain, this is also a serious violation of our own nations' respective laws. These simple facts highlight the inherent criminal nature of the people behind these airstrikes who are pushing for war with Syria to topple Assad. Not only are they all too willing to violate international law, they happily violate their own nation's laws. This is the sickness that infects Zionist neocon war-mongers, who sit ready to break any law that gets in the way of their agenda, ready to tell their people just about any lie to gain popular support - all to wage war for the corporate profits they bring in, and the interests of the Zionist Occupation of Palestine - the state of Israel.
These war-hawks don't care about the rule of law, and they don't seem to care about the loss of innocent life their pompous and hasty actions have caused, and will continue to cause if they get what they are pushing for - war with Syria to topple the Assad regime. Let's hope they fail, and give peace a chance to prevail.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Russia Says They Have "Irrefutable Evidence" that Alleged Chemical Attack in Syria was Staged

Russian Foreign Minister Said an Alleged Chemical Attack in Syria was Staged by Foreign Agents, Claims Russia has "Irrefutable Evidence"

In a statement to NBC News yesterday (Thursday), unnamed US officials said they had obtained blood and urine samples from victims which tested positive for chlorine and a nerve agent, in response to various claims there were no chemical weapons used and that the alleged attack had been staged. However, the US had already placed the blame of the alleged attack fully on the Syrian government and president Assad days before obtaining any evidence chemical weapons had even been used. The fact that western media and governments immediately not only ran with unconfirmed reports of the alleged attack, but also accused Syria of carrying out the 'attack' before any evidence emerged, makes their claims to have now obtained such evidence suspect.
Russia continues to maintain their stance that the alleged attack was a staged false flag event, and today (Friday), Russian spokesmen for the Defense Ministry announced that they have irrefutable evidence proving the alleged attacks were staged, and even that the UK was directly involved in staging the provocation. BBC reported,
During a press briefing on Friday, Mr Lavrov said he had "irrefutable evidence" that the attack was staged as part of a "Russophobic campaign" led by one country, which he did not name.
General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for Russia's defence ministry, said: "We have... evidence that proves Britain was directly involved in organising this provocation."
As crazy as those claims may sound to those who are indoctrinated by western mainstream media propaganda, keep in mind that this is the same Britain whose Prime Minister has recently announced her willingness to go to war with Syria without Parliamentary approval, in order to attack Assad for a war crime there is zero evidence he even committed, over an alleged chemical weapons attack that has not yet been independently verified even occurred...
So I do not think it is unreasonable to say, these Russian claims should be taken seriously and investigated further. After all, Russia also claimed to have intelligence weeks in advance that US operatives were training the so-called rebel groups to carry out this exact type of false flag attack, and that the terrorist groups had been smuggling chlorine gas into rebel-strongholds under the guise of humanitarian convoys. Last Friday, just a day before the alleged attacks occurred, Russia again warned that their intelligence indicated staged chemical weapons attacks were to be carried out in rebel-held territory and would be blamed on the Syrian government.
“We have reliable information at our disposal that US instructors have trained a number of militant groups in the vicinity of the town of At-Tanf, to stage provocations involving chemical warfare agents in southern Syria,” Col. Gen. Rudskoy said on March 17th.
“They are preparing a series of chemical munitions explosions. This fact will be used to blame the government forces. The components to produce chemical munitions have been already delivered to the southern de-escalation zone under the guise of humanitarian convoys of a number of NGOs.”
A Russian spokesman had this to say on April 6th, the day before the alleged attacks:
"The ringleaders of Jabhat al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army, which are acting together, are plotting explosions of makeshift chemical charges containing chlorine in a number of areas under their control, including Al Balad in Daraa," he said. "The militants plan to photograph and video the alleged effects of chemical weapons and show the clips to the public at large to blame government troops for civilians casualties," Yevtushenko went on to explain.
The very next day, just such an attack - whether with actual chemicals or entirely staged - took place.
Combined with the initial reports from both Red Crescent workersSyrian medics and Russian investigators in Syria that there were no traces of chemical agents found on any of the victims of the alleged attack, it appears there is a good case to be made in defense of the Russian claims.

Russian Ambassador to the EU Says no Chemical Weapons Attack Occured

Speaking with EuroNews on Wednesday, Russia’s ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizov said,
“Russian military specialists have visited this region, walked on those streets, entered those houses, talked to local doctors and visited the only functioning hospital in Douma, including its basement where reportedly the mountains of corpses pile up. There was not a single corpse and even not a single person who came in for treatment after the attack.”
“But we’ve seen them on the video!” EuroNews correspondent Andrei Beketov replied.
“There was no chemical attack in Douma, pure and simple,”responds Chizov. “We’ve seen another staged event. There are personnel, specifically trained – and you can guess by whom – amongst the so-called White Helmets, who were already caught in the act with staged videos.”
Chizov is absolutely correct regarding the White Helmets, who were responsible for releasing the photos and video initially used by the West as evidence of the alleged attack and to cast the blame on Assad - as photo evidence proves that bodies of the "victim's" of the alleged attack were moved and the photos staged for propaganda purposes.


Russia accurately predicted this alleged attack would occur in rebel-occupied territory, and it did. Russia accurately predicted the alleged attack would involve chlorine gas, and it did. Russia accurately predicted that photos and videos would be staged and used as war propaganda, and they were, just as the photos linked above demonstrate. Russia accurately predicted that this provocation would immediately be used by western media and government as a pretext for US strikes on Syria, which are now both planned and imminent.
So when Russia now claims to have irrefutable evidence of this alleged attack being staged, and evidence proving Britain was directly involved in organizing this provocation, those claims should certainly not be dismissed outright as outrageous conspiracy theories.
While it is yet unclear whether a chemical weapons attack actually occurred or not in Syria last Saturday, it is safe to say that western media and governments are not giving us the truth, as they are blindly accepting only the "evidence" which can be used as war propaganda in support of the western narrative, while ignoring all "evidence" which raises serious questions concerning that same official media narrative.
They lied about 9/11, they lied about WMDs in Iraq, they lied about Assad gassing his own citizens in 2013 and 2017, they lied about providing humanitarian aid to Libya, and now they expect us to believe they are not lying about Syria in 2018.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Video: Marching to WW3 | US Airstrikes Imminent, Russia to Strike US Launch Platforms in Response, Iran Likely to Strike Israel

World War looks to be imminent... I made this video yesterday (Thursday) on the quickly developing imminent war with Syria. Hopefully world war can be averted...
Video on YouTube @
On D-tube:!/v/jasonliberty/6zjeir96

Syria False Flag: PHOTO EVIDENCE OF STAGED BODIES by the White Helmets (Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack in Douma)

Alleged chemical weapons attacks in Douma, Syria last Saturday are being blamed by the West on Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and the Syrian government, as a pretext to go to war with Syria in an effort to topple the Assad regime. Despite there being no credible evidence the chemical attacks had even occurred, and no logical reason whatsoever that Assad would gas the very citizens he has been fighting for years to liberate from the Al-Qaeda affiliated, US/Israeli backed terrorists, the Western media and governments immediately jumped to blame the Assad regime for the alleged attacks.
On the day before the alleged attacks, Russian officials warned they had credible intelligence that the al-Qaeda affiliate terrorist group, Jaish al-Islam and the Free Syrian Army terrorists were planning to stage a series of chemical weapons attacks to be used as a pretext for Western intervention on behalf of the terrorist rebels, who are losing the civil war and quickly being pushed back and out of Syria by Assad troops. A Russian official said on Friday that, "the militants plan to photograph and video the alleged effects of chemical weapons and show the clips to the public at large to blame government troops for civilians casualties," which is exactly what appears to have happened the very next day.

The following photos prove that whether or not there were actually any chemical weapons used, photos of the alleged attack were staged as a part of a propaganda stunt to pull the US into war with Syria on behalf of the rebel terrorists. Together with the fake humanitarian group, the White Helmets (which has been caught staging death scenes/videos in the past), Jaish terrorists took the dead bodies of children and staged the bodies in multiple locations to create propaganda photos/video to shock and outrage the public - and to frame President Bashar al Assad and the Syrian military for the crime. Here is the proof:

Russian officials and the humanitarian aid group the Red Crescents on Tuesday reported from on the ground in Syria that there were no traces of chemical weapons found on any of the alleged victims of the alleged attack, and Russia has maintained that the "attack" was a staged provocation. We now have evidence that at the very least, photos and video were staged as part of a propaganda campaign.

During a press briefing today (Friday), a Russian spokesman said he had "irrefutable evidence" that the attack was staged as part of a "Russophobic campaign" led by one country, which he did not name. General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for Russia's Defence Ministry, said: "We have... evidence that proves Britain was directly involved in organising this provocation," according to BBC.
This follows statements by unnamed US officials to NBC News yesterday (Thursday), that they had obtained blood and urine samples from victims which had tested positive for chlorine and an unspecified nerve agent. The French president also claims to have "proof" of the use of chemical weapons, but gave no details as to what kind of evidence he may have obtained or who the source of the evidence was.
In the light of this photographic evidence which proves the Russian intelligence predicting the staging of propaganda photos by Al-Jaish terrorists was good intel, the Western claims of having obtained proof of chemical weapons use should be considered highly suspect. Even if it does turn out that chlorine gas and Sarin or other toxic nerve agents were indeed released in Douma, all the evidence indicates the alleged attacks were carried out by Jaish and Free Syrian terrorists rather than by the Assad government. Previous Russian intelligence indicated that the terrorists were smuggling in large amounts of chlorine gas, "plotting explosions of makeshift chemical charges containing chlorine in a number of areas under their control," the same Russian spokesman said last Friday.
And, Jaish Al-Islam has admitted to using chlorine gas in the past to massacre dozens of people in Aleppo, while Bashar Al Assad has repeatedly denied ever using chemical weapons against his own people, and there is no evidence that he has ever done so in the past, despite claims to the contrary by the US. Assad also destroyed all of Syria's chemical weapons a few years ago, which was independently verified. Whether there was an actual chemical weapons attack last Saturday or not, all the evidence clearly indicates it was a false flag provocation carried out by US/Israeli-backed terrorists and not the Syrian government.
Don't buy the war propaganda. ASSAD DID NOT GAS HIS OWN PEOPLE. Wake up America!

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Marching to WW3: US Airstrikes on Syria Imminent, Russia to Retaliate by Targeting Launch Sites | Iran To Strike Israel

<Original Blogpost with embedded links to sources:>

Western Airstrikes On Syria Imminent, World War Likely

In the next 48 hours, the US is expected to launch a coordinated airstrike on Syria, under the false pretense that an alleged gas attack in Douma was carried out by the Syrian government run by Bashar Al Assad, a rash move which could quickly escalate into world war. Russia's ambassador to Lebanon has said:

Any US missiles fired at Syria would be shot down and the launch sites targeted.

Alexander Zasypkin told Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV on Tuesday evening that: “If there is a strike by the Americans, then … the missiles will be downed and even the sources from which the missiles were fired.” The spokesman was reportedly citing statements made by Russian President Vladimir Putin and military officials.
Early Wednesday morning, apparently unphased by the threat of Russian retaliation which could easily lead to world war, Trump warned Russia in a tweet that missiles “will be coming.”
The former head of UK's Joint Forces Command also responded to the Russian ambassador's statement, warning that Moscow is risking war. The Independent writes,
Responding to Mr Zasypkin's comments, General Sir Richard Barrons, who led the UK’s Joint Forces Command from 2013 to 2016, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I hope the ambassador has chosen his words very carefully because what he’s actually saying is that if the US and allies decide to strike against Syrian chemical weapons and delivery aircraft, not only are they going to try and shoot down the missiles in flight - which they're capable of doing, but won't be with total success - but by saying the words 'launch platforms', he’s saying they are going to try and sink ships, sink submarines and shoot aircraft out of the sky - that’s war.
Yesterday Russia also moved at least 11 navy ships from Syrian ports out to sea, in preparation for the coming U.S. military strikes, demonstrating the Kremlin likely isn't bluffing. Meanwhile, both U.S. and French navy vessels have moved into position in preparation for strikes on Syria, and the British Prime Minister has stated her willingness to join military action against Syria, even without the consent of Parliament – just as Trump is moving to take action in Syria without any Congressional approval or Declaration of War. Yesterday WND News reported that,
Meanwhile, a U.S. guided missile destroyer, the U.S.S. Donald Cook, already is in position off the coast of Syria with 75 Tomahawk missiles on board. The ship also has 20 surface-to-air missiles ready in the case of any confrontation with Russian war planes.
In addition, the French navy ship Aquitaine is in position with 16 cruise missiles.
Also, in a deployment scheduled before the latest escalation, the U.S.S. Harry Truman strike group left Norfolk, Virginia, Wednesday morning on its way to the Mediterranean and is expected to arrive in one week.
The BBC reports British Prime Minister Theresa May is willing to join military action against Syria, even without the consent of Parliament. May said she wants to prevent a repeat of the apparent chemical attack near Damascus, describing it as “abhorrent.”
All the evidence indicates the West is preparing for war, hellbent on toppling the Assad regime, irrationally refusing to heed the dire warnings from Russia not to commit war crimes of aggression against Syria in the way of airstrikes. However, the coming war with Syria in reality seems to have already begun, beginning the minute Israeli fighter jets struck a Syrian airbase on Sunday, killing 21 people - 18 Syrians and 7 Iranian fighters including Revolutionary Guard soldiers. In an unprecedented move, Tehran released the names and photos of 4 Iranians killed in the Strike, including a Colonel in the Revolutionary Guard, and later reported a total of 7 Iranians had been killed, being moved to Iran for burial. Tehran was also the first to release photos of the damage caused by the Israeli strike on the Syrian T4 base shared by Russia and the Iranians.

Israel has harassed and bullied Iran in various ways for years, playing the victim while sitting on a stockpile of nuclear warheads, having carried out multiple airstrikes on Iranian targets within Syria since 2013, and it appears this most recent strike may just be the straw that breaks the camels back. Iran has vowed to retaliate for the recent attack, and the statements made by several Tehran officials have Israel worried about the potential of a coordinated airstrike being carried out on targets within Israeli territory by a Russian-backed Iran. Speaking in Damascus at a two-day conference on Jerusalem Tuesday, a senior advisor to Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Ali Akbar Velayati, told Iran' state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) that Israel's "crimes will not remain unanswered,"according to CNN
"The Israeli regime's aggression against Syria is a breach of this country's national sovereignty and territorial integrity and runs counter to all international regulations and principles," Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Monday, according to Press TV.
"The Zionist regime is [looking for] increased tensions in the region and I think that all involved sides should be extremely vigilant towards this issue," said Deputy Iranian Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araqchi to Russia Today on Tuesday, according to FARS.
Blaming the US for supporting Israel, Araqchi added, “The US and Israel have entered the scene at different stages to boost the terrorists' morale in Syria and the recent attacks by the Zionists against Syria which was a repetition of similar assaults in the past are within the same framework.”
Iran is correct – but not only has the US boosted the terrorists' morale in Syria, US operatives helped create and have been funding both Al Qaeda and ISIS. The world is waking up to the Western imperialistic lies and propaganda, and it appears Israel is terrified that Iran with the backing of Russia may actually launch military attacks against Israeli targets inside Israel. And Tehran would be entirely justified in doing so, just as Russia will be justified in attacking US military targets if we commit war crimes by launching airstrikes against Syria without provocation, as our government is currently set to do.
Not backing away from his promise to strike Syria, Trump updated the world this morning in another Tweet.
Asking where America's 'thank you' from the world is, for allegedly vanquishing ISIS from Syria, Trump must have forgotten that ISIS was created and funded by the US and US allies in the Middle East, being used by US interests to fight a proxy war with Russia in the Middle East. Trump must have forgotten that the world didn't ask us to build a global military empire, destabilize the entire middle east while actively funding & supporting extremist terrorists at the same time, or violently overthrow democratically elected leaders like Ghadafi in Libya, just to replace them with our own unelected puppet dictators. The world didn't ask for any of this, and now Trump wants a thank you – he must be out of his mind!
But insanity is the name of the game when it comes to war propaganda, and it looks like the propaganda has been successful enough to push America into yet another war. A White House official today (Thursday) said the US plans to hit 8 sites in Syria in a coming attack, after allegedly confirming the alleged chemical weapons attacks in Douma on Saturday.
Marching straight towards war while preparing to imminently launch airstrikes against Syria, most of America either seems oblivious to the seriousness of the Russian threats of retaliation if we do, or they are certain Moskow is bluffing. However the recent actions of Russia indicate otherwise, and Trump appears all too eager to take that chance in an effort to appease the Zionist neo-cons and war-mongers in his administration and Congress - marching straight towards world war.
The advocates of war with Syria pretend as if it's in America's best interests to not only strike Syria, but to target Assad, wipe out his infrastructure, and topple his regime. Syria has not threatened to attack the US, nor have they launched or threatened to launch airstrikes at US military targets. Rather, the US has stationed thousands of troops in Syria, and is now threatening and actively moving to wage a war against the regime, for an alleged attack it didn't carry out, which was not perpetrated against the US military or Americans. Make no mistake, if the US takes any military action against Syria, we will be the aggressor and we will not be acting in self defense.
Waging a war against Syria is not even remotely in the interest of America or Americans. There are 4 reasons why the US is preparing for a war with Syria: 1. Syria is one of only 3 countries left without a Jewish-owned Rothschild central bank. 2. Assad and Iranian forces in Syria are seen as a threat to Israel, and have been targeted by the Zionists - without US intervention, Israel may not be able to take on Iran and Russia alone... 3. Black gold (oil) which will enrich Western big-oil companies if we take control of Syria. 4. WAR PROFITEERING, as war is a very profitable business. War is also a very deadly business and when the US strikes Syria, people will die, just as people died when Israel struck Syria on Monday. But some of the elite behind the war will also get filthy rich out of the deal, so war it appears it will be...
Our government lies, our media lies, and now b/c of this, it looks like a lot of people are going to die. If Russia strikes back as promised, a quick escalation to a world war is not unlikely, particularly if Iran also strikes Israel and Israel strikes back. If any of that happens, countless more people will die, all to appease the empirical and genocidal plans of a small but powerful cabal of evil Zionist bankers. Trump is listening to the wrong people – the Zionist neo-cons and war-mongers like Lindsey Graham, John Bolton, and Benjamin Netenyahu – instead of heeding the wise and rational advice of voices like former-congressman Ron Paul and Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
The US is quickly marching to WW3 and most of America seems to be just fine with that. There is not much the average person can do but expose the lies, wait for the US strikes, hope Trump has a last-minute change of mind, and see how Russia responds. In the end, maybe someday peace will prevail.
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SYRIA: False Flag Gas Attack in Douma Being Used to Push U.S. Into War With Syria, Russia, WWIII

Alleged Chlorine Gas Attack Allegedly Carried Out By Syrian Government Forces Under Assad On Saturday Has Every Sign of a False Flag, Likely Hoax – Russia Warned Us This Was Coming

<Originally posted on Wed. 4/11 -  Original Blogpost with embedded links to sources:>

On Saturday, an alleged chemical weapons attack in the rebel-held town of Douma, Syria, allegedly killing 40 and wounding hundreds of civilians, was immediately blamed on the Syrian government of Bashar Al Assad and is being used as a pretext to propel the U.S. into an all-out war with Syria, despite there being no credible evidence whatsoever that the alleged gas attack even took place. The reports coming out of Syria from medics on the ground actually appear to indicate that there were no chemical weapons even used, with no traces of any chemical agents being found on any of the alleged victims of the alleged attack.
Sputnik News on Tuesday reported that,
Syrian medical specialists have found no trace of chemical weapons having been used in Eastern Ghouta, a member of the Red Crescent, who worked for the last seven years at the central hospital of Douma in Eastern Ghouta, told journalists.
"I have spent seven years working at the central hospital in Douma. At some point, our [hospital] received six people, who were allegedly suffering from respiratory problems. Following a medical examination, we did not find any problems at all, any traces of chemical agents," Saif al-Deen Hobiya, a member of the Red Crescent, said.
The Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday that medics of the Syrian Douma had received no patients with signs of any chemical poisoning, Sputnik also reports,
"Representatives of the Reconciliation Center interviewed doctors and employees of the hospital in the city of Duma. They denied the reports about allegedly receiving patients with symptoms of chemical poisoning," a press release, issued by the ministry said.
At the same time, employees of the Syrian Red Crescent Society have not recorded any cases of poisoning caused by a chemical attack in the past two days, the organization’s spokesperson told Sputnik.
“We, as the Red Crescent organization, have not recorded any cases for the past two days, since our doctors did not work because of the latest events. The statement that was issued on behalf of the Red Crescent is not valid, because we have never made any statements in media. We wrote about this on our official website,” the spokesperson said.
Despite the evidence to the contrary, and an independent investigation into the alleged attack having not yet taken place, the media and government talking heads are not only running with the story of a potentially fabricated gas attack as if it's been independently confirmed, they have also immediately jumped to blame the alleged attack on Assad's Syrian Regime, despite the Syrian president having no logical reason or any motive to carry out such an attack.
This alleged attack comes on the heels of Trump's announcement early last week of his plan to pull U.S. Troops out of Syria, and right at a juncture in the Syrian Civil war where Assad is set to fully recapture and liberate the rebel-stronghold of Douma in Easter Ghouta. Carrying out this gas attack on his own citizens at this particular juncture in the civil war is about the only thing Assad could do to ruin his chances of crushing the rebels and winning the war. If Assad had carried out this attack as Western media and government spokespeople are accusing him of doing, it would be about the dumbest and strategically most suicidal tactical move the Syrian president could have made.
But this isn't the first time this scenario has played out. Last April, a false flag chemical weapons attack was carried out by U.S.-backed rebel forces in Syria and blamed on Assad, and there is still to this day no evidence the Syrian regime carried out the attacks, which would have been difficult for Assad to do with chemical weapons he reportedly no longer even had. And just like in this alleged attack, the timing of the attack last April made zero logical sense from the strategical standpoint of Assad, who was then also making serious headway in his fight against the rebels. And Assad just happened to be on the verge of reaching a historic peace agreement deal, and at the time, about the only thing that could destroy the chances of the peace agreement going through, would be if the Syrian government launched a chemical attack on its own citizens.
And we are to believe that is exactly what Assad has done, not once or even twice, but on at least three different occasions! Last April's false flag gas attack in Syria was simply a repeat of the exact same operation carried out in 2013, with the same curious red flags all over it – conveniently timed to when Assad is making serious headway in the civil war or reaching peace agreement deals, immediate blame on Assad before any investigation, no evidence ever found of Assad using the chemical weapons, event immediately followed by airstrikes on Syria, and then used by the media and Zionist Neocons to push for more war in the Middle East.
Thankfully, more and more people appear to be waking up to the deception. Last April, Congressman Thomas Massey stated right away on live television that he didn't believe Assad had carried out the attack, and former-representative Ron Paul also voiced his opinion that all the evidence immediately pointed to a false flag. Despite these warnings and unanswered questions, Trump didn't hesitate to appease the war-hawks and retaliate with a coordinated airstrike. This time, instead of the U.S., initial reports have been confirmed that it was Israeli Fighter jets which carried out the retaliatory airstrike on a Syrian base early Monday morning, while the Zionist war-mongers and media pundits have still been pushing heavily for U.S. Intervention, airstrikes and a full-blown war with Syria to topple the regime and take Assad out.
Surprisingly, this time around it has been Fox News talk show host Tucker Carlson who has been making waves in the wake of the alleged attack, asking the obvious questions the rest of the media won't touch, and speaking way too reasonably and candidly for an MSM talking head, particularly for being on the pro-war Fox News. And it wasn't just a one night thing, as Tucker has pushed back against the recent calls for war with Syria again last night. Here is the video of Tucker Carlson questioning the alleged gas attack – an absolute must see clip which will probably blow your mind, like it did mine!
Tucker Carlson Video:
Interestingly, Russia warned the world more than once in the past few weeks that a false flag event like this had been planned and would soon be carried out, and that it would be blamed on the Syrian government to be used as a pretext by the West to strike and invade Syria. Not quite a month ago, on March 17th, the Russian Defense Ministry warned that U.S. Naval strike groups were preparing for a possible attack on Syria and that US instructors had trained rebel militant groups in Syria to stage false flag chemical weapon attacks. Here are those comments as reported by South Front,
“We note the evidence of preparation for possible attacks. Strike groups of naval carriers with cruise missiles are being formed in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean, in the Persian Gulf and in the Red Sea,” chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy said.
“We have reliable information at our disposal that US instructors have trained a number of militant groups in the vicinity of the town of At-Tanf, to stage provocations involving chemical warfare agents in southern Syria,” Col. Gen. Rudskoy said. “Early in March, the saboteur groups were deployed to the southern de-escalation zone to the city of Deraa, where the units of the so-called Free Syrian Army are stationed.”
“They are preparing a series of chemical munitions explosions. This fact will be used to blame the government forces. The components to produce chemical munitions have been already delivered to the southern de-escalation zone under the guise of humanitarian convoys of a number of NGOs.”
On April 6th, another Russian official warned that US-backed rebel groups were planning to stage or carry out chemical attacks with the use of chlorine in areas under their control, in order to blame government troops for the alleged effects of the attack(s). Tass reports,
MOSCOW, April 6. /TASS/. Jabhat al-Nusra (a group outlawed in Russia) and the Free Syrian Army are planning chemical attacks with the use of chlorine in areas under their control, including Daraa’s district of Al-Balad, the chief of Russia’s center for the reconciliation of conflicting parties in Syria, Major-General Yuri Yevtushenko, said on Friday.
"The ringleaders of Jabhat al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army, which are acting together, are plotting explosions of makeshift chemical charges containing chlorine in a number of areas under their control, including Al Balad in Daraa," he said.
Yevtushenko said "the militants plan to photograph and video the alleged effects of chemical weapons and show the clips to the public at large to blame government troops for civilians casualties, as well as to provide excuses for their own actions to disrupt ceasefire in Daraa."
Interestingly, that is exactly what appears to have occurred, the very next day. Notice that the Russian spokesman specifically stated that the militants planned to photograph and video the ALLEGED effects of chemical weapons in order to show the clips to the public, insinuating that the planned attack could even be a staged hoax. As it is, the only evidence of a real gas attack even occurring in Syria has come from the photos and video released by the White Helmets, who have been caught staging fake news and spreading Western propaganda on multiple occasions.
While the White Helmets are universally portrayed by the mainstream media as a group of Syrian humanitarian rescue workers, journalists on the ground in Syria including a Venessa Beeley, “has collected documentation indicating the group plays an active, often armed role in the terrorist war on the government of Bashar al-Assad. The White Helmets were not founded in Syria nor by native Arabs, but by a British private security specialist, and have been witnessed carrying out and supporting violent abuses, including the use of human shields.
"The White Helmets have been crucial to anti-Assad propaganda efforts, offering first-hand 'proof' of chemical weapons attacks and other alleged atrocities carried out by government forces, which are then used to make the case for intervention. These attacks are often proven to have been staged — or the work of opposition forces — later down the line. Another interesting feature of their videos is they never document actual strikes, just the aftermath, and there are always a vast number of cameras on-site," Vanessa told Sputnik.
The evidence against the White Helmets abounds, so much so that many articles could be written just about this one group of apparent actors and propaganda specialists. Suffice it to say, video evidence released by the White Helmets is always suspect and can't be trusted, particularly without independent verification. All signs currently indicate that there was no gas attack in Syria over the weekend, and the fact that the only evidence supporting this claim is coming from the White Helmets following a Russian statement warning of this EXACT scenario should cause everyone to step back from the Western propaganda and realize what is most likely really going on here:
  • A staged false flag followed by a propaganda campaign to push the U.S. into a war with Syria to topple Assad on behalf of Israel.

Following the Israeli airstrikes on Syria Monday, Trump accused Assad of carrying out the (alleged) attack, and for the first time seemed to also implicate Russia and Iran – particularly Russia – as partially to blame. Assad has vehemently denied the accusations that the Syrian government carried out the alleged attack, while both Russia and Iran have unambiguously stated that the alleged attack was a staged false flag to be used as a pretext for Western intervention and war with Syria.
Russia has made it abundantly clear that if the U.S. attacks Syria over this fabricated attack, they will not stand idly by, saying any such response would be “unacceptable” and lead to the “most serious consequences”.
Possibly thinking that Russia is bluffing, or possibly appeasing the demands of his Zionist handlers,
“President Trump put Syria and Russia on notice Wednesday morning in a Twitter post, promising that missiles fired at Syria “will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’” and telling the Kremlin that it should not partner with a “Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!” - The New York Times
President Trump is clearly not the enemy of the Deep State many of his followers think. If he were, he would be blowing the whistle on the Vegas false flag, the Parkland false flag, and the recent false flag in Syria , all which have ample evidence to demonstrate such. He would also be standing firmly AGAINST U.S. intervention in Syria and even more endless war. Trump's announcement last week that he was planning to withdraw our troops from Syria came as a nice refreshment, but the president now changing his tune 360 degrees on the heels of an alleged attack which has no verifiable evidence, is abundant proof of where Trump's allegiances really lie.
The Zionists are pushing the U.S. into a war with Syria to topple Assad, and Trump appears to be all too happy to lead America into a potential WWIII. Short of a miraculous change of mind on the part of the president, the airstrikes on Syria are coming, and the only question is when – at which point the whole world will quickly find out if Russia is just bluffing, or if this is the beginning of a third world war.
Stay tuned, as things are really beginning to move fast - and please spread the word. Ideally we can stop this madness before it escalates into all out war... Because if Russia retaliates with military force following a U.S. strike on Syria, there will certainly be a good chance of another world war, and that is not a comforting thought.
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